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How to Use Colour Correcting Concealers and Bases

Colour correcting concealers and bases are good way to help even out your skin tone. It does this simply neutralising and counteracting unwanted colour tones such as redness. Another benefit of using a colour correcting concealer and base is that it can also brighten your skin, making it look like its glowing and flawless.

Keep reading to find out what colours to use to correct unwanted skin tones

Green concealers and bases are commonly used to correct unwanted red tones. If you find you have a few small red blemishes or pimples use a small amount of green concealer to dab onto the pimple. For larger areas use a green base before applying your foundation.

Peach concealers are fantastic to use to brighten up dark circles on tanned or dark skin tones. It helps counteract purple and olive tones. For people with strong olive undertones you can use a peach coloured base to counteract the dull olive tones which will brighten your skin.

If you have fair skin but you also have dark circles try using a yellow toned concealer. This will neutralise the dark pigments under the eye making you look more awake. For medium or tanned skin tones, you can also use yellow concealer to tone down redness.

Purple make-up bases are generally good for counteracting strong yellow or sallow undertones, apply all over your face before applying your foundation. It is also great for brightening up dull skin.

When purchasing a concealer look out for concealer palettes or colour wheels as they contain a variety of colours. Here are some recommended concealers and bases.

HD High-Definition Glamour Creme Palettes


Kryolan Dermacolor Camouflage Mini-Palette

MAKE UP FOR EVER HD Microperfecting Primer