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Milky Foot Review

Has anyone heard of Milky Foot or products like it where it claims to be “the effortless way to exfoliate your feet”? Awhile ago I caved in and decided to buy and try Milky Foot.

What is Milky Foot?

Milky Foot is a at home pedicure system which is suppose to help get rid of the dry hard skin on the sole of your feet effortlessly. It does this by using its main active ingredient ExMilac (Milk Ferment Filtrate) which works like a chemical peel.

How to use it?

Per box you only get one usage of this treatment. The box comes with one pair of plastic sock type foot covers which contain the milky foot chemical peel. You simply wash and dry your feet then slip on the plastic socks over your entire foot. You then leave it on for about 60 to 90 minutes, remove the socks then wash off the product residue. The results are not instant and the box claims your foot should start peeling after 5 to 7 days.

My Experience

I have mix views with this product, mainly because I didn’t realize I had to wait so long to see results until I read the box at home. My results were very different to pictures I saw advertised.

Day 1

Milky Foot was easy to apply, I have heard this product will eat away your nail polish and ruin your fake tan so make sure you haven’t freshly painted your nails. After removing the plastic socks after 90 minutes my feet did not look any different (like I said before I didn’t realise it takes a few days before you see results). I also recommend if you have sensitive skin you may want to stay away from this product.

Day 2

My feet do feel a little funny and the texture of my skin feels a little weird (kind of like you had your foot soaked in water). No peeling.

Day 5

Still no peeling.

Day 7

Patiently waiting and still no peeling.

Day 10

I start to see some skin on the sole of my feet separating. It was only a small patch

Day 12

Skin starts to peel off but in tiny pieces. My feet look gross. It is just pulling everywhere. I was disappointed because I thought the skin was going to come off in one big chunk like these examples, (warning gross images of feet peeling!) My apartment is disgusting there is skin all over the carpet I have to vacuum twice per day.

Day 15

Skin is still peeling, taking forever

Day 17

Skin looks like it stop peeling but feet look horrible so I have to use a pumice stone to get rid of any leftover skin that did not come off.

Overall Experience

The experience was messy it took nearly 3 weeks for the peeling to end. Don’t using this product if you plan on wearing open toe shoes within the next few weeks. Your feet do not smell nice at all during this experience.


The feet underneath did feel soft underneath but the feeling only lasted about a week. The peeling did not completely finish (the box recommends if this happens to do another treatment of milky foot to get rid of the rest of the skin)

Who do I recommend it to?

I think this works better for people thick, hard soles on their feet. The skin on my feet isn’t thick so maybe that is why I didn’t see great results


It cost me $25 it is still cheaper than going to a salon (pedicure is roughly $40 to $50 here), however it takes nearly 3 weeks to complete and if the peeling does not completely finish you will need to buy another box so you will end up spending $50 (plus it might take 6 weeks in total to get results!)

Where to buy?

In Australia this can be purchased at the Chemist Warehouse. However you can find the original product Baby Foot on Amazon. It is the exact same product and now I just realized it is a lot cheaper.

Will you use this again?

I actually bought two boxes one for myself and one for my boyfriend. After my boyfriend saw my results he refuses to use this product so I guess I will be using this again. However I will probably only use this if my feet gets hard one day.


3 out of 5, it didn’t work very well for me but I think I wasn’t the right candidate for this product. Like I said earlier I would only recommend this to people with thick, dry, hard soles on their feet.