Want a modern twist to a classic 60’s hairstyle? Follow these steps and try this modern twist to the beehive. This hairstyle combines the classic look with texture and soft flyaway’s.
Start with clean, dry hair and apply thickening lotion followed by mousse from roots to end, to give a strong texture and to hold the backcombing that follows. Blast-dry with a hot hair dryer until the product is dried into the hair, then brush thoroughly to remove tangles or crunchiness.
Separate a large triangular section at the front, with the highest part of the head and the other two along the hairline, near the temples. Separate and clip this section out of the way.
Starting at the crown, backcomb the rest of the hair, section by section, using a tail comb. Gather the backcombed hair at the centre back of the head, twist slightly and roll under; secure with bobby pins.
Release the front section and create a parting either to one side or in the centre. Using fingers, drag hair across the forehead, and tuck lengths on both sides of the part into the roll at the back, securing with bobby pins.
Loosely arrange any flyaway’s and finish with strong-hold hairspray. Dry shampoo adds a modern, dusty texture.
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