Curling irons are a must have for anyone who likes to style their hair.
Curling irons can reach high temperatures (sometimes above 250 degrees) so they can be one of the most damaging hair styling appliances. To avoid damaging your hair never use a curling iron on wet or damp hair and try to choose a iron with an adjustable heat dial. For looser curls you should be ableto find the lowest setting is enough to curl your hair, only use high heat for tighter curls. Before curling your hair, always use a heat protecting product. Choosing a curling iron depends on the barrel diameter as this determines the curls size.
Best curling iron for spiral curls.
For spiral curls choose a ¾ inch iron with a shortened clamp. For best results, after washing your hair let it air dry. Separate your hair into sections about ½ inch wide. For each section place the ending the clamp and wind the rest of your hair.. Hold for three to five seconds, unwrap and then repeat to the rest of your hair. Make sure you vary the direction of your hair spirals to give it a natural look. Don’t touch your hair after you have curled them or they will loosen up.
Best curling iron for loose waves
A medium barrel iron (about 1 ¼ inches) is the best for loose waves. To get loose waves hold the barrel vertical and wrap 1-inch sections of hair around the iron. Hold for about three to five seconds and slide your hair off and stretch it with your fingers. For a more natural look vary the tension and the direction of your curl.
Best curling iron to create volume
To create volume use a curling iron with a 1 ½ large barrel along with some large Velcro rollers. Separate a 1 inch section of your hair and spray it with some hair spray. Wrap your hair around the barrel and hold it in place for five seconds, then slide it out and wrap your hair in a Velcro roller while your hair is still hot. Continue until you have completed your whole head. Let your curls cool in the rollers and release after about 10 minutes.
Best curling iron to smooth hair
Use a large barrel abound 1 ½ inches wide. For smooth hair wrap a 2-3 inch section of dry, clean hair around the curling iron. Make sure you leave the ends free so they do not curl. Roll up your hair and stop a few inches from your roots and then release. Leaving your roots un smoothed actually adds some volume and creates a more natural look.