Treating Skin Using Alpha Hydroxy Acid Peels

What is an Alpha Hydroxy Acid Peel?

Glycolic Acid and other AHA treatments are light, exfoliating, superficial peels that remove the upper layers of the epidermis. Light peels can be repeated every ten days to two weeks; a series of three to five peels is usually recommended as the results are cumulative. This means that repeated peels have been shown to stimulate increased cell and collagen production.

What Skin Conditions Can Alpha Hydroxy Acid Peels Treat?

Light peels help ‘dry out’ active acne, dislodge blackheads, reduce shallow wrinkling and scarring, and lighten hyperpigmentation spots. Your complexion should appear brighter and your skin feel softer.

Side Effects of Alpha Hydroxy Acid Peels

Most people experience no side effects or visible peeling, making it a perfect ‘lunchtime’ treatment, but some experience temporary side effects that include mild stinging, swelling, redness, flaking and peeling.

Alpha Hydroxy Acid Peel After Treatment

Apply a full spectrum non-irritating sunblock like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide before going outside, as the skin will be more sensitive to radiation.

